How To Download A SoundCloud Playlist

How To Download A SoundCloud Playlist

I was on SoundCloud the other day and ran across this playlist that I loved. So much that I even wanted to download the entire SoundCloud playlist. But then I began to wonder how to download a SoundCloud Playlist. I did some research and here is what I found. 

In Summary

So, how do you download a SoundCloud playlist? Using MusicVerter’s SoundCloud Playlist Downloader, copy and paste your SoundCloud playlist link into the box and then press download. MusicVerter will then download the playlist directly from SoundCloud’s CDN and then will be converted into an mp3 available for download. The playlist mp3 will automatically download to your system. 

Here it is in 3 easy steps -

  1. Copy and paste your SoundCloud playlist link into and then press download
  2. MusicVerter will automatically convert all songs into downloadable MP3 files
  3. Select which songs you'd like to save by clicking the download icon to the right of the song

Copy and Paste the SoundCloud Link

What do I mean by the SoundCloud link? Well, for starters there are a few things I need to say about downloading from SoundCloud. 

When you go to SoundCloud’s website and find a song you like, first make sure to look to see if you can download the song directly from SoundCloud. It’s pretty simple (and I even explain it in some photos below). Once you're on the song you want to download, look at the row of tabs and look for the tab labeled ‘Download’.

Press the download button which is found to the right of the ‘More’ tab. On some songs, the artist will allow for a download and in that case, you will see a download button right next to the ‘More’ button. 

Press download and the song can be downloaded directly to your system into mp3 from SoundCloud. However, you need to remember that the artist has the choice of allowing for direct downloads or not. In most cases, you will find that the artist does not allow for direct downloads off of SoundCloud. So what do you do?

Example of a song that can't be downloaded from SoundCloud

How To Download A SoundCloud Playlist
Notice how there isn't a download button?

Example of a song that can be downloaded from SoundCloud

How To Download A SoundCloud Playlist
Notice the download button?

Here’s the answer. 

Take a look at the picture below. This illustrates that the SoundCloud link that was copied to the clipboard is of a playlist and not a song. Want to download any SoundCloud song for free? Click here.

How To Download A SoundCloud Playlist

So now we’ve figured out if you can download from SoundCloud, how to know if you can, and what to do if you can’t download from their website.

Once you have the SoundCloud playlist link, head over to MusicVerter.

Press Download

Once you’re on the main page of MusicVerter, you will notice the SoundCloud Playlist Downloader.

Copy and paste the link inside the box and press the button that says ‘Download’. This  will automatically convert all the songs within the SoundCloud playlist into an individual mp3 file. To download them, click on the download icon to the right of each song within the playlist.


In conclusion, whether you are wondering how to download music from SoundCloud or how to download tracks from SoundCloud for free, make sure to use MusicVerter. MusicVerter converts SoundCloud tracks into downloadable mp3 files fast and easy. 

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